Saturday 28 April 2012

To The Sword

Welsh poet/writer Steven Francis speaks candidly about his late mothers final years and the destruction alcoholism brings to families, and how it changes the alcoholic beyond all recognition, until almost all of their true soul is replaced by something which is total opposite of the persons nature. In the poets own words: "I called this video 'To The Sword' because I needed to do just that, get this terribly sad part of my life out and talk about it to perhaps see if talking about it brings a semblence of logic to the mad world of addiction. Im a pretty heavy drinker myself and understand how the cloak of alcohol can turn people into totally different characters but to see Mum go from a sweet, caring, loving lady to this cruel, spiteful ogre of a woman was proof just how far booze can rot a persons mind, body and soul. And alcohol is cunning in many ways because like I say in the video, its even made a little bit of me thankful it turned her bad so that I can deal with losing her. Crazy. So enjoy that drink but always remember, sometimes the path that seems all harmony and honey is actually the trick of the devil and is a very bitter road."

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Glow

The fires rage
there is trouble coming,
fear breeds fear
as it grows.
But I will be fine,
I will be spared
because I am feeling
the glow.

The glow is mercy
a coups de grace,
for when Life
gets a bitch or too big.
And its here for all
both saints and sinners,
simply open a bottle
and swig.

Demons be damned
in the light of the glow,
sleeves of ginger
in tin or in glass.
Never alone
and shielded from pain,
become a sunflower
amongst matted grass.

Screw the sober
with wise intentions,
they think
but do not know.
Life's biggest secrets
or crazy ways
for they do not
feel the glow...

@Steven Francis poems 2010

Sunday 13 March 2011

Scorched Resting

Entrails scattered like flowers
in a guillotine basket,
boiling in mourning blood
and spitting on words of loathing.
Attemp to purify
those maggots that should not be.
Be alive!

Burn the heretic boys!
Scythe those with willing hands of murder,
cut them to their quick!
Mash those crazed brains,
crazed brains for the grinder
and bodies for the punishment due...

@ Steven Francis 2011

Monday 7 March 2011

Iron Lee

He's a pinprick ninja at dawn,
a nunchuck come to life
with a sting in his fist,
a dragon from Hong Kong
just don't get him p!ssed.

Bruce Lee !
Lee the Bruce,
the kick ass dragon,
defeat all
you mop headed genius !
Kung fu the enemies to dust,
karate them with those meteor fists!

A tiger with nuclear stripes,
dynamite in a bottle
with clarity of a crystal glass.
Flex your tarantula hamstrings
beat that enemy ass.